CQC - Custe o Que Custar

CQC - Custe o Que Custar

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Custe o Que Custar is a Brazilian television comedy show, produced by Eyeworks and aired weekly by Rede Bandeirantes since March 17, 2008. It is presented by Marcelo Tas, and has in its team Marco Luque and Oscar Filho. The news reports are conducted by Felipe Andreoli, Monica Iozzi, Mauricio Meirelles, Ronald Rios and Dani Calabresa. The program covers weekly events from Politics, Arts and Sports, from a humorous and satirical viewpoint. It oftens uses metalanguage by satyrizing the very program on live transmissions, and introducing graphics and sound effects from the subjects. The format comes from Argentina, when it was originated under the name Caiga Quien Caiga, created in 1995 by Mario Pergolini
Released: 2015
Category: tv
Status: Ended
Language: Portuguese
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