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In the 1980s, Andrew McCarthy was part of a young generation of actors who were set to take over Hollywood after a string of successful teen movies. However, when the New York magazine cover story in 1985 dubs them the Brat Pack, stars in the making suddenly find themselves losing control over the trajectory of their careers. Now, almost forty years later, McCarthy looks to reconnect with peers and co-stars so that together they can reflect on their respective legacies.
Released: 2024
Category: movie
Running time: 92 min
Language: English
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tania andrew

Louisa Moo...

Most Gen Xers will remember with fondness the infamous “Brat Pack,” a group of young stars who ruled the entertainment world back in the mid-1980s. Nobody was bigger than these actors, including Rob L...
tania andrew


Andrew McCarthy’s latest documentary had the potential to be a nostalgic masterpiece, reminiscent of an era that defined a generation. However, it ultimately fell short, primarily due to McCarthy's in...