The ABCs of Death

The ABCs of Death

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An ambitious anthology film featuring segments directed by over two dozen of the world's leading talents in contemporary genre film. Inspired by children's educational ABC books, the film comprises 26 individual chapters, each helmed by a different director assigned a letter of the alphabet. The directors were then given free reign in choosing a word to create a story involving death.
Released: 2013
Category: movie
Running time: 129 min
Language: English
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tania andrew


“Horrible just horrible” Basically this movie was made with the help of 26 alphabets in English each alphabet will make a way a person dies. In each of the 26 movies all were disgusting, horrible, ...
tania andrew


This is my third pass at writing down my thoughts on The ABCs of Death. The first pass - as soon as I'd seen it - was almost completely negative, which in the light of day probably wasn't fair. The se...