Poor Things

Poor Things

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Brought back to life by an unorthodox scientist, a young woman runs off with a lawyer on a whirlwind adventure across the continents. Free from the prejudices of her times, she grows steadfast in her purpose to stand for equality and liberation.
Released: 2023
Category: movie
Running time: 142 min
Language: English
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tania andrew


How this movie was not rated NC-17 is the greatest feat of Emma Stone’s career. Surpassing even two Oscars. A woman jumps off a bridge and kills herself. Upon discovering her body our resident mad...
tania andrew


This film is nothing I thought it would be. I'm glad I'm of the ilk to watch something for at least 10 minutes or I might have turned it off. The plot was eccentric/odd to say the least, but it grew o...
tania andrew


Men bad. Interracially promiscuous socialist prostituted bisexual sociopathic women good. The end. Thank you, feminism. I'm surprised there were no transpeople in this thing. Maybe in the director'...
tania andrew


Director Yorgos Lanthimos sweeping cinematic spectacular film that explores the life of what it means to be human, a woman, what exactly is life, and what is love. The tale follows Bella Baxter, a...
tania andrew

Chandler D...

How old when they start banging her? Very much a baby when she's a hot retard. If this isn't proof of pizzagate, I don't know what is. Recommend watching as much as possible in the theatres and ret...
tania andrew


Fantasy drama- comedy adult film directed by Yorgos Lanthimos (The Killing of the Sacred Deer, The Lobster, The Favourite) and written by Tony McNamara (The Great, The Favorite, Cruella), being based ...
tania andrew


Superb! It's quite the ride! I don't have the film school-esque analysis to adequately describe all this, so I'll very much leave that to others. What I can note, though, is that I had a great time...
tania andrew


It's almost as if Yorgos Lanthimos had sat down for a transcendental conversation with James Whale! Student "Max" (Ramy Youssef) is a student recruited by his professor "Godwin" (Willem Dafoe - aka "G...
tania andrew

Brent Marc...

When the circumstances of our lives don’t suit us, it’s time to reinvent ourselves – something that happens both literally and metaphorically in this latest offering from director Yorgos Lanthimos. Bu...
tania andrew

Manuel São...

FULL SPOILER-FREE REVIEW @ https://fandomwire.com/poor-things-venice-film-festival-review-emma-stone-shines-in-the-best-film-of-the-year-so-far/ "Not only is Poor Things the best movie of the festi...