Roald Dahl's The Witches
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In late 1967, a young orphaned boy goes to live with his loving grandma in the rural Alabama town of Demopolis. As the boy and his grandmother encounter some deceptively glamorous but thoroughly diabolical witches, she wisely whisks him away to a seaside resort. Regrettably, they arrive at precisely the same time that the world's Grand High Witch has gathered.
Released: 2020
Category: movie
Running time: 106 min
Language: English
Your Review
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A thoroughly entertaining movie... way better than I was expecting after reading the reviews.
I loved Ann Hathaway's portrayal of the Grand High Witch. She really threw herself into the role.
Not ...
Per Gunnar...
Unlike what a lot of people seems to think about this movie I though it was a fairly decent family movie. It’s not great but decent enough. I quite enjoyed it at least.
The story is what it is. It ...
Is a good movie for family. The end is unexpected and Anne Hatheway is always a good choice in distribution....
When you hear the names Robert Zemeckis, Guillermo del Toro and Alfonso Cuaron, you expect something visually engaging. These three names paired with Dahl's work could have been something really speci...
A lot was changed in this remake and I thought it would irk me. After about twenty minutes I thought I had been wrong, the opening had some originality and it seemed like something fresh. then they ar...