Autumn Sonata

Autumn Sonata

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After a seven-year absence, Charlotte Andergast travels to Sweden to reunite with her daughter Eva. The pair have a troubled relationship: Charlotte sacrificed the responsibilities of motherhood for a career as a classical pianist. Over an emotional night, the pair reopen the wounds of the past. Charlotte gets another shock when she finds out that her mentally impaired daughter, Helena, is out of the asylum and living with Eva.
Released: 1978
Category: movie
Running time: 93 min
Language: Swedish
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tania andrew


The intensity with which Ingmar Bergman brings together truly stunning performances from Liv Ullmann ("Eva") trying to reconcile with her chronically back pain ridden mother "Charlotte" (Ingrid Bergma...
tania andrew


Wow. Just wow. Ingmar Bergman really outdid himself this time. His movies are always a thoughtful watch because they're usually out somewhere on a parallel spiritual plane. This one, however, has two ...